21 febbraio 2018

PROJECTS | From where we belong

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From where we belong   retraces the journey of migration and socio-cultural transformations in the territory of the Rubicon in part through the places that characterized the beginnings of each settlement and partly through the stories of significant people belonging to each community.

The area of the Rubicon and the Sea comprises the villages of Borghi, Cesenatico, Gambettola, Longiano, Roncofreddo, San Mauro Pascoli, Savignano and Sogliano on the Rubicon, an area that extends from the coast to the hinterland and that is characterised by the strong presence of agricultural activities, poultry farming industries, footwear factories  as well as the seaside tourism industry. In this area seasonal job opportunities are not lacking and that is why it has been the destination of many migrations of different European and non-European ethnic groups since the 1980s. By now, many of these people live here permanently, have Italian citizenship and characterise the area as highly multicultural.
The data cross-reference of the first 5 nationalities living in each village of the Rubicon area show the following ethnic groups: Albania, Morocco, Romania, China, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Poland, Senegal and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Every migration has helped to change the territory, in an ongoing change, and  to make it what is today. Almost for all the ethnic groups involved, the initial thrust was the search for job opportunities that, over the years, has shaped the people as well as the territory itself.

Etnografia delle società complesse (Ethnography of complex populations) is a shared project managed by the cultural association “Savignano Immagini”.