16 gennaio 2019
Temple of AknalichThe temple was financed in full by Mirza Choloi Sloyan, a Yazidi Armenian emigrated to Russia where he made fortune by creating television stations. It will be the largest Yazidi temple in the world. Its construction begun in 2012 and it will be completed within September 2018. The marbles employed in the building arrive from Iran and are worked on site. Within the complex there is a large Yazidi cemetery. The peacock is the main symbol of this religion, and it represents the Angel Malaki Taus, the one who created the Sun and the men.
Temple of AknalichThe temple was financed in full by Mirza Choloi Sloyan, a Yazidi Armenian emigrated to Russia where he made fortune by creating television stations. It will be the largest Yazidi temple in the world. Its construction begun in 2012 and it will be completed within September 2018. The marbles employed in the building arrive from Iran and are worked on site. Within the complex there is a large Yazidi cemetery. The peacock is the main symbol of this religion, and it represents the Angel Malaki Taus, the one who created the Sun and the men.
Anjela, Susanna and Onik Shamoyan.They are 11, 9, and 6 years old, respectively. They live in Ferik with their family. The elder sister suffers from diabetes and her parents are struggling to have her cured as there are no doctors in the village and hospital treatment in Yerevan is long and difficult to obtain.
Rzgan AmoyanHe was born in 1963. He is Sheikh of the village of Charchakis. He looks after the relics of Saint Shekubaker (the Saint who protects from fears) within the "Sacred Place", a hideout which he can only access. The relics are stones and objects that he uses to heal and reassure the Nirids (the lower caste). In exchange for the healings, the rites he officiates (baptisms, Weddings,...) and the pledging sacrifices, he receives donations.
Liana and Ruslan MirzoyanShe was born in 1999 and he was born in 2016. Liana lives in the house of her parents-in-laws with her son Ruslan. Her husband is often in Russia for work.MirakThe Yazidis arrived here from Turkey in 1827, before the genocide which took place in 1915. Until 1945 the country counted 270 Yazidi houses. Today only one Yazidi and one Armenian family remains in Mirak while everybody else emigrated to Russia for work.
MirakThe Yazidis arrived here from Turkey in 1827, before the genocide which took place in 1915. Until 1945 the country counted 270 Yazidi houses. Today only one Yazidi and one Armenian family remains in Mirak while everybody else emigrated to Russia for work.
Khamo AliyanHe was born in 1954. He is Piers of the village of Yamshlan. It is a spiritual guide and a memory of tradition for his village, especially for young people. His son works in Russia and he does not want to take responsibility for being his successor, so Khamo will probably choose his nephew as his successor. In his house he guards the relics of the Saint Pirè Drbes in the room dedicated to the sacred Place.
Rafik NadoyanHe was born in 1988. He is a Videomaker for Yazidi weddings and Director of the Post Office in Alagyaz. It is a Yazidi but he believes that many of the religious precepts are unfounded.YamshlanIt is one of the many villages entirely inhabited by the Yazidis that meet along the M51 road. The Yazidis arrived here after the genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire in 1915.
Rya TazaIt is one of the villages entirely inhabited by the Yazidis that meet along the M51 road after Aparan. The Yazidis arrived here after the genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire in 1915, and they depend on sheep farming. Few houses have electricity and none has running water.
Alina Adjamyan and her son and two daughters.She was born in 1988, she lives in the village of Lukashin in the district of Armavir with her mother-in-law, her husband and her children. Asya (2008), Rustam (2006), Iveta (2010).
Alina FeroyanShe was born in 1998. She lives with her mother Susik in extreme poverty. She takes care of the flock for the Mayor of the village of Rya Taza and she is the only one in the family to have a job.
Alina Adjamyan and her son and two daughters.She was born in 1988, she lives in the village of Lukashin in the district of Armavir with her mother-in-law, her husband and her children. Asya (2008), Rustam (2006), Iveta (2010).
Jora CholoyanHe was born in 1967. He is the local manager of the village of Kyorleulakh. He graduated in pedagogy, he now teaches mathematics in the local school, which is attended by 37 children. mcholoyan@mail.ru
Bade OrmanyanHe was born in 1971. He belongs to the Sheik's caste. He looks after the relics of the Saint Red Avedran inside the "sacred Place", a hideout which he can only access. The relics are stones and objects that he uses to heal and reassure the Nirids (the lower caste) devoted to the saint. In exchange for the healings, the rites he officiates (baptisms, Weddings,...) and the pledging sacrifices, he receives donations that allow him to live and continue to carry out his task of spiritual guidance also abroad.
Anna GaloyanShe was born in 1979. She lives in the village of Lukashin in the district of Armavir. She got married when she was 17 and has four children. The family lived with the parents-in-laws for 13 years and now they have moved into an independent house for 2 years.
School of KyorleulakhThe school is attended by 37 children and it has been needing repair for some time. On the walls the Armenian teaching material deals with weapons, mines and methods of warfare. In the mountains, at a short distance from the village, military exercises from the nearby Russian base are held, of which they hear continuous gunfire and explosions.